Add a Smarty Plugin folder with a Plugin

It can be solved with a simple CompilerPass in your Plugin

{% code title=“MyPlugin/Components/CompilerPass/AddTemplatePluginDirCompilerPass.php” %}


namespace MyPlugin\Components\CompilerPass;

use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\Compiler\CompilerPassInterface;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerBuilder;

class AddTemplatePluginDirCompilerPass implements CompilerPassInterface
    public function process(ContainerBuilder $container)
        $template = $container->getDefinition('template');
        $template->addMethodCall('addPluginsDir', [$container->getParameter('my_plugin.my_parameter_to_folder')]);

{% endcode %}

{% code title=“MyPlugin.php” %}


class MyPlugin extends Plugin
    public function build(ContainerBuilder $container)
        $container->addCompilerPass(new AddTemplatePluginDirCompilerPass());

{% endcode %}

Inject Plugin Configuration

This method loads only configuration from main shop.

<service id="myplugin.config" class="Shopware\Components\Plugin\CachedConfigReader">
    <factory service="shopware.plugin.cached_config_reader" method="getByPluginName"/>
    <argument type="string">MyPlugin</argument>

Since Shopware 5.5.3 it’s also possible to fetch the right config translation

<service id="myplugin.config" class="Shopware\Components\Plugin\CachedConfigReader">
    <factory service="shopware.plugin.cached_config_reader" method="getByPluginName"/>
    <argument type="string">MyPlugin</argument>
    <argument type="expression">container.initialized('shop') ? service('shop') : null</argument>

Force loading of plugins in old system

Sometimes you want use Components of Plugins which are written in old plugin system and the autoloading does not work. This problem occurs cause the plugins are lazy and constructed only if needed. You can force construction with the following code

// e.g Shopware()->Plugins()->Backend()->HttpCache()

Disable http-cache in Subscriber/Controller

With setting a Cache-Control header you can disable for the current request the http-cache.

$this->Response()->setHeader('Cache-Control', 'private', true);

Remove theme variables from Json

Remove the template


PHP static store for a config.xml combobox

Create a normal Combobox in config.php. We will set the store values in install method of the plugin

/** @var Element $element */
$element = $this->container->get('models')->getRepository(Element::class)->findOneBy([

    'store' => [
                    [0, 'No'],
                    [1, 'Yes']


How to get Request object with DI?

// Don't use Shopware()->Container() its just a example!

Create a controller with namespace

{% code title=“MyPlugin/Controller/Frontend/Test.php” %}


namespace MyPlugin\Controller\Frontend;

class Test extends \Enlight_Controller_Action
    public function indexAction()

{% endcode %}

{% code title=“MyPlugin/Subscriber/ControllerSubscriber.php” %}


namespace MyPlugin\Subscriber;

use Enlight\Event\SubscriberInterface;
use MyPlugin\Controller\Frontend\Test;

class ControllerSubscriber implements SubscriberInterface
    public static function getSubscribedEvents()
        return [
            'Enlight_Controller_Dispatcher_ControllerPath_Frontend_Test' => 'onGetController'

    public function onGetController(\Enlight_Event_EventArgs $args)
        return Test::class;

{% endcode %}

Don’t forgot to register the Subscriber in the services.xml.