Cluster Setup

What is clustering? Generally speaking, clustering is a way to link multiple containers and / or servers for a certain job in the setup. The purpose is usually to increase the availability and / or performance of the setup and has amongst other things the following benefits: you can introduce redundancy for any single component (e.g. cache, appserver or database). Even if a component fails, the shop will still work, as there is no “single point of failure” the load (i....

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DAL exceptions

Expected input to be non empty non associative array. The entity repositories are built for multiple operations. Example array: [ [ 'name' => 'Test' ] ] Recrusion with OneToOne Association Both sides of the association should not have autoload enabled. Otherwise you have an never-ending recrusion

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General exceptions

PageController can’t be requested via XmlHttpRequest By default Ajax is disabled on all Storefront controllers. You can enable it by adding an new defaults XmlHttpRequest Example: /** * @Route("/widgets/test", name="widgets.test", options={"seo"="false"}, methods={"GET"}, defaults={"XmlHttpRequest"=true}) */

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How can I Contribute to this Knowledgebase? This Gitbook is also accessible at Github Feel free to add or edit pages 😉

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Usefull feature flag overview

Here is an small overview of usefull feature flags: # Remove cheapest price from normal ProductEntity saves A lot of resources on seo indexer FEATURE_NEXT_16151=1 # Scopes seo urls to an specific sales channel and only generates seo urls for accessible entities in that sales channel FEATURE_NEXT_13410=1 # Configure Elasticsearch using default admin search settings (introduced with FEATURE_NEXT_22900=1 # Basic performance improvments # only loading required seo associations in DAL # not calculation empty cards # checkout/cart returns 204 instead rendering of content PERFORMANCE_TWEAKS=1

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